Rush Tickets
Student Rush
When available, Student Rush tickets are offered in-person at the Box Office beginning one hour prior to show time. Present a current high school, college, university, or international student ID at the Box Office to purchase tickets for $10 - $25 each, depending on the show. Valid for one ticket per ID. All Student Rush tickets are subject to availability and may not be offered for all performances.
Playwrights Welcome
Playwrights Welcome is a program providing free access to theater for Dramatists Guild of America members, developed by Samuel French along with Dramatists Play Service, Dramatic Publishing, Music Theatre International, Playscripts, and Rodgers and Hammerstein. For more information on this national program, please click here.
Tickets for same-day performances at 59E59 Theaters will be will be provided to eligible playwrights showing their Dramatists Guild membership card at the Box Office starting one hour prior to curtain on any given performance day, pending availability.